Rich Creeger (Weekdays 3-5:00am )
I’ve been involved in Country music since I was hired to be a bar back in the early ’80s at the World Famous Gilley’s nightclub in Pasadena, Texas during the height of the Urban Cowboy craze. Although Country music has gone through many variations since then it has always been the first preset on my radio because it still has the foundation of real stories told by real people about real life. Some of my favorite current artists are Chris Young, Brantley Gilbert, and Jana Kramer. Some of my all-time favorites are Willie Nelson, George Jones, and Reba. My wife Fran and I are a blended family of 5 kids, 2 dogs and a cat and when her and I get some free time (haha what’s that?) we usually point the car toward the beach, set up camp and just stare at it.
Big D and Bubba [Weekdays 5-10am]
When you're sitting in the car wondering if the person in the next car over in traffic thinks that you've lost your mind because you are seemingly laughing hysterically to yourself, or sitting in the parking lot at your destination waiting for us to finish a topic, silly phone call, interview, game or conversation.....We are right there with you. And with you all the way. We know how crazy life can be....and we want to be your goofy, chubby, best radio-friend refuge from the harsh reality of being pulled 100 different directions by your spouse, kids, boss, coworkers, etc.
If you are new to the show,...um......hi! We hope to get to know you, and hope that you put up with us long enough to get to know us as well. Click on the bio's below to learn a little about each of us. If you've been a friend of ours for awhile, still click below, and see how well you know us!
By the way...because EVERYONE asks us.....We met in 1996 in Baton Rouge, La., where Big D was hosting a morning show and Bubba was hosting afternoons. We immediately hit it off, both on and off the air, and ended up pairing up to co-host a show together at the ripe old ages of 24!
Penny Mitchell (Weekdays 10 AM-1 PM)
I was born in Colorado Springs, grew up in Canon City and am insanely proud to be a Colorado native. I met my husband in college at the campus radio station. Our first date was a media banquet; we got engaged three months later. I was working in Colorado Springs at the time; my Dad came VERY close to putting a station bumper sticker on the back of his tux as he walked me down the aisle, but he knew my Mom would have murdered him. We decided to not have kids and instead are putting our veterinarian's children through school. ;-) I am a voracious reader (I actually kind of hate television). I love to hike, I've climbed four of Colorado's 14,000-foot mountains. I love to travel. I love ALL kinds of music. I still think the radio is absolutely magical. You flip a switch, you're suddenly no longer alone. It's amazing.
Ryan Fox (Weekdays 1 PM-3 PM)
“I’ve been given the opportunity to move to afternoons on the largest and most popular 24-hour music network in AMERICA … My show will now be heard on over 200 radio stations across the U.S. and, I’m also very honored to say, around the world for our men and women in uniform on the AMERICAN FORCES NETWORK. It’s the kind of thing you dream of when you grow up in a radio family like I did. I’m very grateful … I can’t wait to work hard for our incredible affiliates, and provide an entertaining escape for our fantastic listeners. Let’s go!”
Bubba Bartosh (Weekdays 3-6:00 PM)
Bubba started performing country music at the age of 14 back in Poteet, Texas and has remained in the music business ever since. He currently performs on a regular basis with his band "The RedRock Outlaws" throughout Utah and portions of Colorado. He has managed a record label in Nashville, a publishing company and is the founder of Roots Music Report and Radio Submit. He has worked at radio stations in Texas and is currently the General Manager here at KCYN radio Moab. He can be heard Monday through Friday between 3 and 6 pm. Playing the best country on radio and bringing news and event info to southeastern Utah.
Lia (Mon-Sat 7 PM-Midnight)
I’m Lia. The host. The Facilitator. The sticky substance that holds the stories together with the songs. I’m the gal who can’t for the life of me keep a secret yet everyone seems to tell me their secrets anyway. I love my job. I’m happily married to the luckiest guy on earth, Chad. I have 4 kids. All of them smart, spoiled and love country music. In my spare time, I play word games, mind games and lock myself in the bathroom for 5 minutes of peace at least once a day. Here’s a secret about me: I never talk on the phone when I’m not at work. That could be because I do it every night for hours. My sisters complain constantly about me never calling them back. Even my husband occasionally goes to voice mail. We have 3 dogs and spend as much spare time as we can on our boat. Even holidays like Christmas and New Year, we are on that boat.
I was born and raised in Kentucky. My mom, a Southern Belle housewife, and my dad, a farmer, bar owner, janitor, banjo picker, had finally had enough kids. I was the last of four and, believe me, I think I was the reason they didn’t want anymore! I grew up in a small town in Kentucky, with not much to do but plug my ears while my dad tried to pick his banjo and run through the sprinklers on a hot summer’s day. I was definitely a Daddy’s Girl. Even though I hated that banjo, I loved my dad. The hardest thing I ever went through in my life was the death of my dad. I was only fifteen–too much for a young girl to take! When I was a kid Country Music was always around. In the car, in the house, at my dad’s bar. I have to admit most of my teenage years were spent listening to Rock Music. I was a HUGE fan of Pink Floyd. We’d have music wars in our home with my dad cranking up “He Stopped Loving Her Today” to try and drown out my “Comfortably Numb.”
I left Kentucky, my family, my friends, and my life behind after my dad passed and moved hundreds of miles cross-country to be with my oldest sister, Connie (my role model, best friend, and confidante), and her husband. I finished school and moved out on my own at 17. I went off to college with absolutely no idea what I was going to do with my life. Purely by accident, I got into Country radio. Believe me when I say that I am sure my dad teamed up with God to make that happen. When I started The Lia Show I had no clue it would be something I’d do for years to come. I just hoped that people would listen and occasionally call. They did and they still do.
As far as this show goes, I just want you to know that we all work very hard each night to put this thing together. I’m so lucky to have such a great team of people to work with. I’ve hosted The Lia Show for more years than I care to count, however, I feel like over those years I’ve grown up on the air and I love my job.